Aug. 06, 2023
Raiders of the Lost Ark
1. The Ark
A. What about Samuel?
B. What was the Ark?
-Later contents of the Ark
-Past Military use of the Ark
-God's Footstool
Do we comprehend or try to comprehend the great lengths Jesus has gone to for us?
C. Dragging God into the Fight
D. Ichabod 4:21
2. God wants to come back to us more than we want to come back to Him! (Ch. 5 and 6)
A. False gods cannot stand! (vs. 5:1-5)
B. The Lord Forces His way out (vs. 6-12)
C. God’s desire to be with us
3. A lesson from 2 milk cows (vs. 6:7, 10-21)
A. Not the Pulling Kind
B. Single Minded (v. 6:12)
C. All of Jesus for all of us. All of us for all of Jesus?
1. At what times in life have you come to God because it was convenient for you? How convenient has Jesus made Himself to you?
2. Do you find that Jesus is the only One who has “the words of eternal life”?
Follow up in the Word through the Week…
Read: Proverbs 3:5-8
What challenges do you face in trusting the Lord with all yourself? In what ways do you find yourself trusting in your own understanding and wisdom instead of the Lord’s? What practical ways have you sought out to “trust in the Lord”?
Read: John 6:66-69
How do the words of Simon Peter connect with your relationship with Jesus? What in your life is the greatest temptation to “turn back” away from following Jesus?
Read: 1 Corinthians 2:2-5
Who was Paul trying to teach the Corinthians to trust in? Who are you tempted to trust in instead of Jesus?
Read: 1 Samuel 4
How did the people treat the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord? What did the wife of Phineas name her son and why? When have you felt like this in your own life? How have you allowed Jesus to make this right?
Read: 1 Samuel 5
Where did the Philistines store the Ark? What happened to their god and to them? What might we take away about false gods and the Lord from this passage?
Read: 1 Samuel 6
What did the Philistines decide to do with the Ark. What was the “vehicle” they determined was fit to transport it? What can we learn from these cows?