Jan. 26, 2025
Zechariah 3:1-10
A Picture of Us
1. The Highest Court (vs. 1, 2)
A. He Showed Me
Zechariah 2:13
B. Joshua, The High Priest
Ezra 3:2-3
Haggai 1:1
C. The Angel of the Lord
Exodus 23:20-21
Genesis 16:7-10
D. Satan: the Accuser
Ezekiel 44:10-16
John 10:10
Devices of Satan
Psalms 22:11
Ezra 4:4-6
2 Kings 6:15-17
Revelation 12:9
Acts 14:4
2. Joshua’s Clothes (vs. 3-5)
A. The True Condition of Joshua
B. Filthy Clothes
Isaiah 64:6
Philippians 3:4-11
C. A Cleaning by Grace (vs. 4, 5)
3. Promise and Covenant (vs. 6-10)
A. Assurance to Joshua (v. 6)
John 16:7-8
B. Walk in my Ways (v. 7)
Ephesians 2:8-10
C. The Promised Branch (v. 8)
Hebrews 9:11-12
Hebrews 10:11-14
Revelation 19:16
D. A Single Stone (v. 9)
Acts 4:11
E. Restored Relationships (v. 10)
1 Kings 4:25
1. What has the accuser tried to use against you recently?
2. Have you taken that to Jesus and asked Him to cleanse and renew you?
Follow UP in the Word through the Week…
Read: Zechariah 2:13
As you meet with the Lord today, what perspective does this verse bring to your time with Him?
Read: John 10:10
How does Jesus explain Satan in this verse? How would you explain that to someone else who may not be familiar with the Bible?
Read: Isaiah 64:6
What does the prophet compare our own righteousness to? How does that adjust your perspective?
Read: Philippians 3:4-11
How does Paul address his own accomplishments and efforts? Where does he place his trust? How can that be an encouragement to you?
Read: Ephesians 2:8-10
How does Paul explain salvation? What does our salvation produce?
Read: Hebrews 10:11-14
Jesus stands as our High Priest. Joshua, in the book of Zechariah, had to be cleansed. Jesus is able to cleanse us.